
class implicitmf.transform.Transformer(user_item_dict, full_matrix=True)

Transform fetched results into sparse matrix.

  • item_sub_dict (dict) – a dictionary of lists of tuples containing distinct pairs of ids, distinct user ids, and distinct item ids
  • full_matrix (boolean) – Default is True. Determines whether matrix will be an “out matrix” or “in matrix”.
  • user_item_score (list) – list of tuples of length three, where first item in tuple is user_id second is item_id, third is score
  • user_mapper (dict) – keys are user_ids and values are indices along user axis in user item matrix
  • item_mapper (dict) – keys are item_ids and values are indices along item axis in user item matrix
  • user_inv_mapper (dict) – keys are indices along user axis in user item matrix and values are user_ids
  • item_inv_mapper (dict) – keys are indices along item axis in user item matrix and values are item_ids


>>> from implicitmf.transform import Transformer
>>> user_item_dict, _ = gen_fetched_data()
>>> t = Transformer(user_item_dict)
>>> X = t.to_sparse_array(arr_type='csr_matrix')
... X.shape
(u, i) where u is the number of distinct users and i is the number of distinct items

Transforms provided data into scipy sparse array

Parameters:type (str) – a string indicating type of sparse array returned (only supports csr_matrix)
Returns:utility matrix of shape (u,i) where u represents number of distinct users and i represents number of distinct items
Return type:scipy.sparse.csr_matrix


implicitmf.preprocess.normalize_X(X, norm_type)

Normalizes the X matrix using either tfidf or bm25. Wrapper for tfidf_weight and bm25_weight functions from the implicit.nearest_neighbours module.

  • X (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – sparse matrix of shape (n_users, n_collections)
  • norm_type (str) – can be either “bm25” or tfidf

Normalized sparse csr matrix

Return type:



[1]bm25 and tfidf explanation:


In order to validate the performance of a recommender system, we must first split the dataset, X, into X_train and X_validate. The traditional approach to train_test_split is to split dataset X either by row or column, thus resulting in a training set and validation set of different dimensions. However, in recommendation systems, we perform train_test_split by “masking” a proportion of user-collection interactions during the training phase then calculating precision@k by comparing predicted recommendations on X_train against the original X matrix.

alternate text

implicitmf.validation.cross_val_folds() and implicitmf.validation.gridsearchCV() both use the “masked-out” approach to split data.

implicitmf.validation.cross_val_folds(X, n_folds, seed=None)

Generates cross validation folds using provided utility matrix

  • X (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – utility matrix of shape (u, i) where u is number of users and i is number of items
  • n_folds (int) – number of folds to create
  • seed (int) – random seed for use by np.random.choice

dictionary of length n_folds

Return type:



>>> output = cross_val_folds(X, n_folds=3, seed=42)
... print(output)
{0: {'train': X_train, 'test': X_test},
1: {'train': X_train, 'test': X_test},
2: {'train': X_train, 'test': X_test}}
implicitmf.validation.gridsearchCV(base_model, X, n_folds, hyperparams)

Performs exhaustive gridsearch cross-validation to identify the optimal hyperparemters of a model.

  • base_model (model object) –
  • X (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) –
  • n_folds (int) – number of folds for cross-validation
  • hyperparams (dict) – hyperparameter values of interest

dataframe with mean_score, max_score, min_score for each combination of hyperparmeter values

Return type:



[1]scikit-learn’s GridSearchCV:


implicitmf.postprocess.remove_subscribed_items(rec_dict, user_sub_dict, unwanted_items=None)

Filters out already-subscribed collections from recommendations list for each user.

  • rec_dict (dict) – dictionary with user id as the key and list of recommended items as the value
  • user_sub_dict (dict) – dictionary with user id as the key and list of item subscriptions as the value
  • unwanted_items (list) – list of additional items to remove from the recommendation list

dictionary with recommended items that users have not subscribed to

Return type:
